Thursday 18 April 2013

Rumi Reflection Group, first meeting

Alongside the fortnightly "Zen On The Streets" circle training we'll be doing, we'll also be offering a regular Rumi Reflection Group as part of the Chester Zen Peacemaker Circle.  Rumi is one of the greatest spiritual poets of all time, born in Balkh, Afghanistan and living in Konya, Turkey.  He died in 1273.  His spiritual vision was born out of a deep friendship with a wandering vagabond, Shams of Tabriz.  It was the disappearance of Shams, possibly his murder, which gave birth to the depth and passion of Rumi's voice!

Each time we'll take a poem by Rumi and reflect on how we respond to it, what it suggests to us, what it means in terms of our own life.  Rumi's vision overlaps strongly with the vision of Zen, yet has its differences and its own perspective.  This Rumi Reflection Group will hopefully help us to broaden our own perspective and see things from different angles.  We'll be meeting in a cafe and drinking tea and coffee as we explore Rumi's beautiful words and spirit...

Anyone is welcome, you can come to either or both groups, as often or as occasionally as you find helpful to you.

You are not a single "you", my friend -
you are the wide sky and the deep sea.
Your awesome "You", which is nine hundredfold,
is where a hundred of your yous will drown.



  1. When are you meeting for this

  2. Hi! It'll be fortnightly, the day and time is still up for grabs at the moment. This week it'll be Thursday 2nd May from 1pm-2pm in Sally's Secret Garden, Bridge Street Row, Chester. If you send an email to I can add you to the mailing list for future times also. Feel free to turn up, it's a drop-in group... Chris Starbuck
